Trapped Emotions Live in You


what they look like

Trapped Emotions can be as tiny as mustard seeds or as big as watermelons. They’re not always round. Sometimes they’re jagged! Sometimes they have two different emotions in the same space! Sometimes they are a vibrant red, sometimes a sluggish brown. The vibration of the emotion will determine its shape, size and colour. The bigger the trauma, the denser the ball of emotion. It’s not always about size- sometimes it’s in the intensity. A pea-sized trapped emotion could cause more havoc in your life than one the size of an orange if it’s more toxic.

Where they live

Trapped emotions are under the skin and come out when named. They are also in our energy field. Emotions will generally hang around the organs or tissues in the body that have the most similar resonance. But they can be found pretty much anywhere. Different organs generate different emotions. They also often store them. For example, the liver generates and often stores anger and the lungs generate and often store grief.

What they do

Like attracts like. Let’s say you have a ball of trapped bitterness around your gall bladder. That bitterness has a specific vibrational frequency. The next time you have a life experience that makes you feel bitter, even if it’s just a small experience, you might not be able to process it (feel it, express it, release it) because it got sucked in by the original ball of bitterness. Now it’s hanging around with its friend, bitterness, squeezing poor gall bladder. Once there is a certain amount of trapped bitterness in your body, you begin to attract experiences that are going to cause you to feel… you guessed it! Bitterness! It’s a negative cycle.

Someone who has too much trapped fear is going to attract a lot of scary experiences. These scary events are the subconscious’s attempt at stimulating them to process the fear that was stuffed many years ago.

If you’re trying to manifest something in your life, like a great career, or a partner, or children, or a specific project…and you keep trying but it’s not happening no matter how you go about it- this may be because your system is overloaded with low-vibrating energy. The combination of all of the different trapped emotions in your field is emitting a frequency that is too low for manifestation to occur.

Woman watching a sunset at the beach


Knowing that trapped emotions can hurt our physical bodies, attract negative experiences, and prevent us from reaching our goals, it’s easy to see why we should care about them. The good news is that trapped emotions can be released through more than one avenue:

  • creative expression (writing, painting, singing)

  • physical exertion (running, dancing, yoga)

  • sharing (being in a healing relationship/friendship)

  • tears (every tear has a piece of that emotion, and leaves your body forever)

  • screams (sound is a vibration- go ahead, do it!)

  • Emotion Code (if you’re too busy for the above, this is for you)

Beach sunset with a sign post containing the words: free your mind from worries

Are Trapped Emotions Delaying Your Projects?


Muscle Testing for Answers