She has approximately 350 trapped emotions.
So do you.
Energy healing for your business
If you’ve been finding yourself in the same unwanted place over and over again, consider this:
You can hack your energy body to break free from the cycle of negative attraction.
If you’re done with the stagnation in your life, I have news for you: You’re not responsible for the subconscious programming that has led you here.
But you are responsible for healing it!
What energy are you attracting to your business?
If you’ve spent a lot of money on coaches and courses and still feel blocked, the gunk in your subconscious is likely still there.
Until you remove the Trapped Emotions dampening your business dealings, you will continue finding yourself in the same situations.
Business is good when we emanate CLARITY and STRENGTH.
Trapped emotions weaken and confuse you!
efforts not bringing the outcome you want?
Strategy is useless without healing
You can talk to consultants till you’re blue in the face. Their recommendations will fall flat if your inner world is in shambles.
There are only a few modalities that address the subconscious. Emotion Code is one of them.
Removing the unconscious blocks to success is the glue that’s missing from most business courses.
What I do
I help entrepreneurial women break out of the patterns holding them back.
Blocks I clear
Here are just a few examples of the issues I address in my customized Emotion Code sessions:
Not wanting to be seen
Limiting beliefs about work
Inability to delegate
Aversion to technology
Allergy to numbers
Analysis paralysis
Need for hand-holding
Addiction to the ‘technical work’
Self-care comes last
The usual suspects
Some examples of the emotions we trap during traumatic events, and that now run in the background:
Low self-esteem
Lack of control
Creative insecurity
Entrepreneurship takes GRIT.
Succeeding at anything takes more than just perseverance. It takes someone with a special temperament; someone who is not afraid to fail, is not risk-averse and has the stamina to weather the dips.
This temperament is subdued in most of us as a result of subconscious programming (a.k.a. childhood AND adulthood trauma!).
Emotion Code is a fast, efficient way of deleting the negative subconscious scripts affecting our actions- all without dwelling on the past!