How Heart Walls Can Hurt Your Business

Woman facing a wall

A Fortress of Trapped Emotions

The heart emits an electromagnetic field of six feet, allowing us to sense each other’s energy in addition to sending and receiving vibrational messages. 

According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, the subconscious looks at our Trapped Emotions and says, “Well, they’re here in this body… might as well put them to good use!”  It then gathers them up and builds a WALL around our hearts! 

We all have at least one Heart Wall.

The subconscious knows how important the heart is.  After trauma, it makes sure the heart is protected from further harm by building a fortress around it with the energy available (Trapped Emotions). 

But why?  Why doesn’t it just let it be exposed?

Woman peeking from behind a wall


According to Candace Pert (author of Molecules of Emotion), emotions are a physical part of our cells and have to be treated as such.  This means that if we suffer an emotional blow from a traumatic experience, it hurts our heart physically- not just emotionally.  I’m sure you’ve heard of people dying from a broken heart.  This is why the subconscious considers it a necessary mission to prevent breakage- it’s for our physical survival.

Here’s the problem:  The subconscious seems to pick up on traumatic events that trigger the building of a wall, but fails to notice when the danger has passed.  Walls are great while there is a threat, but they are harmful in the long run. 


On top of discovering the personal stories of clients, as a foster mom, I have also been witness to the walls erected around children’s hearts as a result of their rough childhoods.  But don’t make the mistake of assuming walls are only built after extraordinary trauma!  Even a small event can affect a highly sensitive person enough to trigger the building of a Heart Wall.  Here are some examples of reasons the subconscious would start building:  

  • Corporal punishment/physical abuse

  • Sexual abuse

  • Verbal abuse

  • Emotional abuse (especially shaming)

  • Bereavement

  • Mental illness

  • Neglect

  • Abandonment

  • Intense fear

  • Severe illness

  • Accident

  • Bodily injury

  • Incarceration

  • Military service

  • Bullying

  • Starvation

  • Extreme poverty

  • Shaming

The subconscious is hard at work, helping us survive experiences too intense for our system to handle.  This is a good thing while the stressor is active.  It is not a good thing once the stressor is gone.  Rather than trying to figure out what life events caused our Heart Walls, it’s best to drop all judgment and simply focus on letting them go with Emotion Code.

Little girl in hospital bed being treated by a nurse

it’s not just the heart!

Here’s what I learned some years after certification from other seasoned practitioners:  walls are not only found around hearts.  They can also be found around almost anything!  Here are some examples:

  • Walls around organs

  • Walls around body parts

  • Walls around body systems  

  • Walls around your business

  • Walls between you and another person

  • Walls between you and abundance

  • Walls between you and healing

  • Walls between you and a place/location

There are probably plenty more.  The priority, however, is always the Heart Wall.  Often when we release the Heart Wall the other walls come tumbling down.  It takes intuitive questioning to Muscle Test our way through each person’s circumstances.  

Walls can also be made of whatever material the subconscious considers safe.  For example, Dr. Bradley Nelson’s wife had a Heart Wall made of hardwood flooring.  It was the same wood that was on her grandmother’s floors, a place that made her feel safe.  My Heart Wall was made of wool!  Not surprising since I hate the cold.  There are walls made of glass, paper, liquid, flowers, metal, cotton, branches, bubble gum, and even thorns.  The material of a Heart Wall can change at any moment depending on what’s happening in your life.  This demonstrates just how the subconscious takes things. 

I don’t bother testing for the material of the wall in my sessions.  It’s not important.  You can certainly test it for fun, but knowing the material will not affect an Emotion Code session.  The goal is to release the Trapped Emotions that are holding up the wall so we can live in freedom, connection and happiness.

When heart walls become obsolete

You know you’ve been living with a Heart Wall too long when you become painfully aware of repeating patterns you don’t like in your life.  It’s important to recognize when Heart Walls are no longer relevant.  It’s even more important to get rid of them once we see the threats are long gone.  While they are temporarily protective, Heart Walls are by definition limiting.  They may cut us off from harm, but they also cut us off from the blessings of life.  They block us from love, abundance, relationships, trust, success, adventure, recognition, opportunities, and more.  

We are here to interact with each other and the world- and it’s supposed to feel good!  We are here to express ourselves, to be received with open arms, to be seen,  and to enjoy every moment.

Why you don’t want a heart wall


Ever feel like no matter what you say or how you say it, you are misunderstood?  Do you tend to attract relationships in which you don’t feel heard?  Well, imagine trying to talk to someone from behind a wall.  

“Sorry, what was that?”

“...faint muffled sound…”

“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”


At some point, people give up trying to understand and walk away.  Eventually, you don’t bother even trying.  Heart Walls are isolating!  We are social animals.  It’s not healthy to be alone so much.

As a business owner, you are expected to communicate clearly what it is you offer. If you have staff, they are relying on you to direct them in a way they can understand. They need to feel confident executing your instructions! With a Heart Wall emotionally disconnecting you from others, you are also more prone to mistrusting those who are trying to help you. You will be spinning your wheels doing it all alone. 


Desires are born in the heart and emanate from there to attract their objects to them.  If the heart is surrounded by an impenetrable wall, your signal to the universe will not be clear. The law of attraction states: like attracts like.  Instead of sending you what you requested, the universe will send more of what’s there in your wall because the vibrations of those Trapped Emotions are louder than the vibrations of your desires.


You might have all the reasons in the world to be happy and still only find despair.  Then you feel shame about your inability to be grateful, which doesn’t help.  If you’re confused about your emotional state, you’re probably living in the shadows of a Wall. As an employee, you can probably get away with showing up to work in a bad mood and going through the motions till your shift is over. But as a business owner and leader, you cannot show up for your team and clients in a sullen state. Your people will understand the occasional bout- after all, you are human. It’s when it becomes a pattern that it can start to affect your business negatively. Clients stop renewing. Team members move on to other positions. Your mental health must be number one.


If you’re a parent to a young child, this is a recipe for disaster.  Our hearts are givers and receivers of love.  It’s love that makes it easy for us to forgive our loved ones, be patient with them and accept them as they are.  A parent or caregiver with a compromised heart will have less patience and empathy for children who are still learning to self-regulate.  Play this tape to the end!  You won’t like it.

Reduced empathy is also a big deal in business. Authentic selling involves being genuinely curious about your prospect’s needs. Without empathy, it’s hard to tap into what they truly want- and they will sense that lack of understanding from you.

Mother about to blow a fuse with her insolent 6 year old son


Universal law:  The river of abundance is always flowing.  Heart Walls act like a dam, preventing us from drinking from the river of prosperity even as we see others around us bathing in it.  Before I found Emotion Code I was living in time-poverty.  I had just enough money to pay my bills, but zero time to live a normal life.  I was self-abusing, self-neglecting, and self-sacrificing in a job that took everything out of me.  I watched my clients go away on vacation while I toiled through every break.  A year and a half into my journey with Emotion Code, my income had doubled, my free time was abundant, and I had three vacations booked in six months. 

When heart walls get rebuilt

Once released, a Heart Wall can come back if:

  1. It was released without removing the reason for its building in the first place, otherwise known as the ‘root cause’.  If this happens, we just keep digging.  We will eventually find the key energies that were causing the rebuild.  

  2. It was released prematurely:  sometimes a wall needs to stay up for a while.  Earth is a school and you are here to learn lessons.  It’s possible that the lesson you were learning from the pain is not yet finished.  In this case, it’s best to trust in God’s timing.  

  3. Traumatic events continue to happen:  if you continue to attract abuse after releasing Heart Walls, it could be a result of patterning.  Releasing patterns is not the same as releasing Trapped Emotions. Patterns have to do with the groves left behind by the Trapped Emotions. I use a different modality for this involving acupuncture points, body typing and Essential Oils. Book a call to learn more about this type of healing work!

I believe it’s always better to release a Heart Wall, even if it gets re-built because it provides a taste of what it feels like to be without it.  Once you have had a little bit of that feeling, you can’t un-feel it.  This does wonders for clarifying goals, setting stronger intentions, and being steadfast in one’s commitment to healing. 


After I removed her Heart Walls, one client said to me, “I feel naked and vulnerable!”  That same week she went public with the poetry she had been co-writing with her boyfriend.  How beautiful is that?  Inspiring so many who have become jaded and hopeless about love- this is the power that comes with the courage to be vulnerable.  

Living without a Heart Wall means being fully connected with ourselves, other people and the world in a way that feels good.  Because most people haven’t had that experience, they don’t have a point of reference.  But once they’ve done the work and reach that state it is always a feeling of freedom, empowerment and joy. 

Without a Heart Wall blocking our view, we can see our goals on the horizon and be excited about reaching them. When there are no Heart Walls distorting the vibes we give off, we end up attracting clients who are more aligned with our inner beings. Our fears of being seen disappear, making social media marketing a lot easier.

My wish is for everyone to forgive themselves for having built their walls, thank their walls for having taught them, and release them, finally, to God.

Woman holding her man from behind him

Why All Business Owners Need Emotion Code


Are Trapped Emotions Delaying Your Projects?