Why All Business Owners Need Emotion Code
Emotion Code is an energy healing modality created by Dr. Bradley Nelson. This Utah chiropractor discovered that his patient’s subconscious minds were trying to communicate with him about their issues. He began to use Muscle Testing to ask yes or no questions and quickly realized that emotions were often the core issues behind their physical ailments. After many miraculous healings, he wrote the book: The Emotion Code and began training people worldwide. Emotion Code is now one of the fastest-growing energy healing modalities out there.
A Busy-Proof Modality
I had just shut down my labour of love (a Bilingual Montessori school), having suffered a major burnout, when I first heard about Emotion Code. A documentary called E-Motion spoke of this new, cutting-edge modality that involved swiping your hand over your head as though you were fixing your hair!
‘What?!’ I thought, ‘It can’t possibly be that easy!’
The truth was, I was recovering from 6 years of 80-hour work weeks trying to keep children, parents, staff, and licensing officers happy- plus raising my newborn daughter. I NEEDED something that easy.
In February of 2018, I booked my first session with a Certified Emotion Code practitioner. She was an older, unassuming, sweet lady surrounded by essential oils, crystals and books. The first trapped emotion she found in me was Blaming. I was not surprised.
What are Emotions anyway?
An emotion is an electrical pulse that enters our body through one of the gateways (chakras), travels through relevant meridians, and exits again through another gateway. The feeling part happens when this pulse of energy is travelling through our meridian system. A healthy body can expel energy through expression. Emotions, both positive and negative, are indicators of where we are on the consciousness spectrum. Our souls use the information they get from emotions to know which direction to reach towards for their sustenance: the light of consciousness.
Why Emotions Get Trapped
You’re 6 years old and you witness a car accident where the driver’s head gets decapitated (I know someone who has PTSD from this experience). The emotion of Terror is so intense that your subconscious quickly grabs it before it does too much damage and stuffs it in your body for later processing.
You’re 12 years old and your older brother is being mean to you- again! You want to cry but instead, you act aloof despite the humiliation. So Crying is suppressed, maybe around your lungs, since it can’t be processed at this time or you would lose the battle with him.
You’re 38 years old. Your 3 children are in the car with you and you’ve just had a huge fight with your partner. You are so angry you want to scream or go into road rage. You don’t want them noticing that you’re out of control, so you spend the whole ride controlling yourself. To protect you from the emotional pain of scaring your children, the subconscious takes Anger and puts it away for later.
Maybe you’re in an accident and become injured. Maybe there’s an emergency evacuation. Maybe you’re just really sick and bedridden. Or maybe you’re just really drunk! It’s not always possible to process emotions. Over the years they build up in our meridians and the energy stops flowing. (To learn more about the nature of trapped emotions read Trapped Emotions Live in You)
Trapped Energy Leads to Problems
Our meridians need to be clear for qi (energy) to flow appropriately the same way our vessels need to be clear for our blood to flow. Ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine has proven that illness, including mental health issues, stems from a disruption in the flow of qi. Once there is a blockage in one part of the body, much like a traffic jam, the longer it’s there the more backed up the entire body system gets. We are resilient beings and can tolerate a large amount of blockages- but eventually, it adds up to disease, conflict, emotional problems and scarcity.
Effects on our Power to Manifest
If you’ve been wanting to make 20% more income, for example, and you’ve done everything in your power to make that happen and it’s just not happening- well, there’s a reason for that. When you trapped Unworthy the day your father left you behind while he took everyone else on a pony ride… (it could be anything!), that ball of emotion resonated at the frequency that Unworthy does, attracting more resonant emotions. It is not possible to attract abundance when we are constantly broadcasting to the universe that we are Unworthy.
Have you ever met someone that had streak after streak of bad luck in their life? Where did the term ‘accident-prone’ come from? Have you ever gotten to know someone and felt confused that their verbal stories weren’t matching up with their lived experience? Why has serial dating become a thing? Ever noticed that poor people tend to stay poor, and rich people tend to stay rich (beyond economic/political reasons)?
Most people vibrate within a limited range of frequencies for most of their lives, attracting the same kinds of experiences. Don’t let that be you.
Effects on our Physical Health
Trapped emotions are clusters of energy that get stuck in the body. Imagine being exposed to an ugly sound for days on end, months, or years! If you think your liver can detox your body while simultaneously being shaken by tones of Anger or Frustration- think again! And what happens when the liver is unhappy? We get sick.
A Trapped Emotion that has been in the body for a long time is now denser. Think tumour. When the body can no longer hold the energy of negative emotion in the body, it will try to expel it. Think skin rash. Holding Worry in the stomach for decades can turn into colon cancer. The heart murmur I was born with is a result of inherited Heartache.
Note: While most physical ailments are related to emotional issues, we always tackle physical sources of stress first. Sleep, exercise, diet, grounding, seasonal detox, spiritual practice, social connection, and work/life balance must be addressed, otherwise, the energy healing becomes a bandaid.
Effects on our Relationships
“Why do I always attract toxic people into my life?”
‘Toxic’ people show up in our lives to force us to bring a suppressed emotion to consciousness for processing. They are a trigger and an opportunity for healing. We will continue to attract these people until all our unresolved pain has been healed. Emotions need recognition, acceptance, feeling and release. Practicing emotional hygiene is an easier path than the distress of difficult relationships.
Effects on our Business
Many health experts promote a separation between work life and personal life. The truth is, this is not possible. It’s not like you leave your personality at home when you show up to work. When you’re on that sales call, you might be checking your problems at the door to be professional, but your deep-seated traumas are just below the surface affecting your pitch. Don’t think for a second your clients don’t sense that you’re in fight or flight mode, even if you’re not conscious of it yourself. Customers buy from calm, confident people, not people who give them a weird feeling they can’t quite put their finger on.
Emotional healing is the big elephant in the room in the world of business. Sure, coaches are all about self-work and personal development. However, they often recommend methods that involve the conscious mind. These methods work, but they are slow and labour-intensive. Not many people have the stamina to be consistent with these practices, and busy moms certainly don’t have the luxury of time to invest in them.
Your subconscious knows everything
Did you know that your subconscious is your body? That’s right- your body is not just there to help you breathe, move, reproduce, fight or flight….It also manages all data about your life experiences. Here are two books that delve deeply into this topic:
Molecules of Emotion
The Body Keeps the Score
This is why we need to communicate directly with the body to coax negative energy out, and we do this through a technique called Muscle Testing.
Hacking the subconscious with muscle testing
Muscle testing is the language we use to communicate with the subconscious. The body never lies! Muscles can’t help but go weak at falsities or imbalances. Likewise, they can’t help but go strong at truth or balance. If I ask a question of your subconscious, for example: “Do you have a trapped emotion of Sadness that is safe and beneficial to release?” Then I push down on your out-stretched arm, it will stay firm if the answer is yes and go down if the answer is no. (Read Muscle Testing for Answers for a deeper dive into this important tool!)
Releasing Trapped Emotions with a Magnet
Once we find a trapped emotion and the subconscious confirms it is safe to release, we swipe a magnet (or our hand which is magnetic) over the Governing Meridian 3 times for regular trapped emotions and 10 times for inherited trapped emotions. A magnet magnifies the intention (remember: thought is energy) we set of releasing the emotion from the body. Since emotions are energy and meridian lines are electrical, a magnet can create enough of a pull on these conduits to move the emotions through and out of the chakras.
Benefits of Emotion Code
Sometimes I wonder how I do it- unschooling my daughter as a single mom and managing to pay the bills on a big beautiful house for her, doing the work I love and somehow always being provided for, and having freedom in my schedule. Emotion Code has brought these miracles into my life.
Some other benefits you might experience in addition to the subtle life changes that occur:
Better moods
Deeper sleep
Stronger intuition
More self-love
Transformation of difficult relationships
Recovery from chronic illness
Faster than expected recovery from surgery
Less brain fog
More Abundance
And of course, much less anxiety!
Advantages of Emotion Code
I was extremely busy, pressed for time, and having to keep it together: as a single, self-employed mom of one biological daughter and up to 4 foster children under the age of 8, I didn’t have the luxury of time to go to week-long retreats or hour-long talk therapy that took days to recover from. I was determined to change my inner being so that I would never again work myself sick as I did with my preschool. I knew deep work was needed but couldn’t commit to anything affecting my ability to care for five young children. Emotion Code solved this for the following reasons:
It did not require me to dive into my painful childhood memories. Because of that, I could keep my mood pleasant for the children, and there was no interruption in my service to them.
It wasn’t time-consuming: only 20-30 minutes of releasing every week or two done by myself or another practitioner was plenty and effective!
It did not require my presence: when other practitioners worked on me I asked them to do it by email. I could go about my busy day and check the results once the kids were in bed.
Results came fast. Listen, I have a lot of patience for children, but that’s about it! Who has time to wait years for healing?? Not me! Because the practitioner is communicating directly with the subconscious, there is no risk of the mind getting in the way. It’s like Blockchain- you just can’t cheat on it.
Who Emotion Code is for
Emotion Code is for anyone ready for change. It’s also for your animals, children, ancestors and future generations. These groups cannot speak for themselves. Muscle Testing is a way to communicate with their Higher Selves to find what burdens them.
Ancestors and Future Generations
We cannot discuss healing without addressing ancestral trauma. Working with Inherited Trapped Emotions is one of the most fascinating aspects of this modality. We often sense some of our challenges are not from our own doing, but have been passed down through the bloodline. Emotion Code can release energies trapped for many generations. This is important because once they are released, your children and their children are freed from the burden forever.
Animals experience Despair at being separated from their mother or pack or herd. They experience Grief at witnessing other animals or humans suffer. They experience Fear during violent storms. If you have a sensitive horse, a sick dog or an aggressive cat (maybe there’s a baby in the house?), consider Emotion Code sessions. They are pain-free, non-invasive, effective, and can be done by distance.
In my work with children, I have used Emotion Code to resolve stubborn chest coughs, night terrors, and behavioural challenges. I once worked on a 9-month-old baby who would not sleep unless she was on her parent’s chest. After one session (related to her birth trauma), she slept independently for the first time, giving her parents much-needed rest. Her mother is now an Emotion Code practitioner.
Any healing work before age ten will have powerful life-long benefits that aren’t as accessible after puberty. I can’t stress enough the convenience of this modality’s accessibility to people of all ages and mental states. The fact that the child doesn’t have to do anything or even attend the session is truly a gift from God, as parents know.
What it means for our future
We have had the best diplomacy- the wars haven’t stopped. We have had the best doctors- the illnesses haven't gone away. We have had the best educational institutions- the unemployment and homelessness haven’t subsided.
What is the problem? The problem is that we aren’t healing emotionally. The earth is amuck with emotionally injured people who, in turn, injure others. We have ignored our number one compass for life: our emotions.
A healed pilot will refuse to spray toxic chemicals on his fellow man. A healed banker will make decisions that benefit everyone from a place of abundance (not fear). A healed doctor will not take the money when bribed to poison children.
There is safety and strength in being healed. The day will come when healing is recognized as a basic human right. Policies will be signed into law, making Vibrational Medicine accessible to all. That day is coming.
Can you imagine what an economy of healed people looks like?